Thursday, February 2, 2012

Reaching men for Jesus isn’t only a dream of mine…

Reaching women is equally important! However, we must work with what we’ve been given, and God has given me a burning passion to, a) see men saved, b) see these men walking consistently with the Lord and being the husband, father, brother and friend that God designed them to be.

Tall order… nah, not if you know that God is anointing you for the task!

So let me begin; those of you who know me, know that I’m not your stereo-typical pastor, I don’t fit the mould that some have of pastors. I’m a bit down to earth and a bit like a hard boiled fruit sweet; hard on the outside but with a sweet, soft centre! It’s a combination that I believe makes me very useful to God as He seeks to grow His Kingdom through reaching men and, in turn, their families.

When I arrived in South Africa, I felt a growing passion to reach men but the early days weren’t the time that the Lord wanted to release me for such a pursuit – it was a time to build me. Now I find myself at the Jordan River with God, about to enter the Promised Land.

Last year (November) God made a way for me to visit the UK and meet up with a guy called Carl Beech, the international director of a group called CVM (Christian Vision for Men),

CVM are having a massive impact in the UK and now around the world; they are seeing men reached with the gospel message. Lives are being changed globally. How exciting is that?!

When I met with Carl we discussed my dream of being used by God to impact guys in South Africa with the gospel message. Carl, like me, was very excited about this possibility. Since then God has been leading us to embark upon launching CVM SA. The main aim of this group will be to take new ground for the Kingdom of God in South Africa with respect to men. There is a lot of work to be done in setting up such an active group, and I trust the Lord to provide all the wisdom, resources, and finances to make it happen.

My next step is to look at setting up the organisation, share the vision with others around the country, and get on with the task of resourcing local churches to reach men for God.

I’ve been invited to go back to the UK in late June 2012, to spend time with Carl and the team, to learn from them and to be further equipped to make this exciting ministry a success here in South Africa.

God is the enabler, the anointer and the provider. If you would like more information about CVM SA or feel that you would like to support this ministry to men in South Africa, both financially and through prayer, or with your own time and skills, please make contact with me. You can do so through facebook or you can email me directly at

Please share this post with family and friends.

God bless you and thank you for your time.

Mark Knight

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