Monday, November 16, 2015

Where do we take our frustrations?

I'm reading through some of the stories that make up the Old Testament. At present, those stories are about God's people in the dessert; they've just come out of Egypt and are travelling to worship God and in time, make it to the Promised Land!

Very familiar stories to many of us, I'm sure! But something stood out afresh for me today:

"What do we do with our frustrations"?

Let me set the scene; God did some pretty massive things in Egypt that not only rocked the Egyptians world, but would have left Israel, God's people, with no doubt as to who is running the show; the God of Israel is Sovereign, and is the one true God!

Take a look at this from their travels:

“The Israelites left the western Sinai desert. They traveled all together from place to place as the Lord commanded. They camped at Rephidim, but there was no water for the people to drink. So they turned against Moses and started arguing with him. They said, “Give us water to drink.” Moses said to them, “Why have you turned against me? Why are you testing the Lord?” But the people were very thirsty, so they continued complaining to Moses. They said, “Why did you bring us out of Egypt? Did you bring us out here so that we, our children, and our cattle will all die without water?” So Moses cried to the Lord, “What can I do with these people? They are ready to kill me.” The Lord said to Moses, “Go before the Israelites. Take some of the elders of the people with you. Carry your walking stick with you. This is the stick that you used when you hit the Nile River. I will stand before you on a rock at Horeb. Hit that rock with the walking stick and water will come out of it. Then the people can drink.” Moses did these things and the elders of Israel saw it. Moses named that place Meribah and Massah, because this was the place that the Israelites turned against him and tested the Lord. The people wanted to know if the Lord was with them or not.”
Exodus 17:1-7 ERV

Firstly; who brought these people out of Egypt? Moses – or was it God? 
Moses was a mighty dude, but come on!

Secondly; God’s people had a real good reason to complain – they we’re in a dessert and were dying of first, (dying might be a bit extreme! We don't actually read that).

The point that really stood out for me was what they did with their legitimate complaint!

They got in the face of Moses, a mere man! What could he do to answer their complaint?

Moses did what God’s people should have done all along – he went to God. The GOD OF ISRAEL! 

Moses didn't have sole rights over the ability to speak to God; any of God’s people could have gone to Him in prayer. Remember, while Israel was in Egypt, God heard them when they cried out in pain over how they were being miss treated!
I wonder whether God had held back water to see what His people would do! To see if they would turn to Him.

Seeing it laid out like this, it seems silly that Israel didn't go directly to God themselves; but actually, I do the same thing they did, pretty much everyday!

I go to man with life's issues!

I voice by frustrations to people; people like my wife etc!

I get the stuff of my chest so to speak. But man can't answer many of life's frustrations (even Louise can't!). The truth is, God can – He has answers that will often blow our minds!


Okay, I've made my point. Let me finish with this:

“With God’s power working in us, he can do much, much more than anything we can ask or think of. To him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus for all time, forever and ever. Amen.”
Ephesians 3:20-21 ERV

Take it all to God in prayer, then get ready for the answer!

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