Thursday, June 9, 2016

Today is to be a special day!

Why a special day?

Today, is the day Louise and I meet our daughter, for the very first time!!
These past weeks have been quite tuff for us; we've had highs and lows; concerns over resident VISA's, questions about all kinds of things. However, in these past few days everything has taken off!

Taken off from our social worker telling us all about a precious little child, to God waking me up in the middle of the night with her name!
All of this reaches its climax today; we're going to meet her; we're going to meet Abigail!
I need to pause! Still can't believe it’s all finally happening!


So, yesterday afternoon, I was out and about purchasing nappies and baby formula! Essentials for my DAUGHTER!! The first of many such shopping trips, I'm sure! Have you ever stood at a supermarket checkout and felt proud to be buying nappies!! I wanted the world to notice me!!


Now the fun begins - oh heck, I'm a complete novice! Thank you Lord for YouTube! Louise returned home last night to find me in class, learning some of the basics about taking care of a little person!
Don't laugh, I'm just starting down this road; I've never even changed a nappy in my life!


And so the fun begins!

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