Thursday, January 10, 2013

Is my faith a secret, an illusion?

"The Book of James makes it clear that faith without works is dead! There is no such thing as private faith that is not lived out through public action. That's an American myth not a Biblical truth.

If you claim to have a personal relationship with the GOD of the entire universe, and HE lives inside of you, yet nobody knows because it's a secret...It's not a secret, it's an illusion.

Our relationship Jesus must benefit the people around us, beginning with our own families".
(Kris Vallotton via Facebook)

I read this on Facebook by a pastor I follow.

Sometimes Kris says things that I don't always agree with; but I like that - I don't want to just follow blogs etc that fit in with my thinking. I want to be made to think about what I'm reading and not just blindly agree.

Anyway, I didn't post his quote to just say that!

The book of James is always going to be one of those in your face books (no pun intended!) of the bible - to have Kris post an extract from it has forced me to really think about its challenge.

Can people see my faith? Or does my relationship with God remain a secret to the world around me?

Those closest to me know that I'm a Christian, but are they aware of it because I live out my faith in word and deed? Or is it all about them simply knowing of my confession?

I'm not what you would call a natural born evangelist but I do recognise that my public Christian life maybe the only bible that some people get to view. If I'm not living the Christ stuff out, I'm not a follower of Christ, I'm simply a reader of Christ! How will that help anyone?

Kris (apostle James, God!), I'm challenged!

Quote from Kris Vallotton can be found here:

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