Saturday, January 12, 2013

Onion sprouts and the Word of God!

The other night I was cooking my dinner before bible study. I was having a nice spicy stir fry with onion sprouts and a side order of scripture.

Actually, what was happening is that I was cooking dinner, and while stirring the pan I was reading one of the chapters of my year through the bible plan.
Yes it's a strange way to complete my readings for the day, but at the same time it illustrates that we can grab the Word of God at anytime!

I wouldn't recommend this as your only way of studying scripture. Cooking and reading isn't the best way to focus on what God is saying, but it can still be a useful exercise!

I'm reminded of a story about a young lad out with his grandfather at the beach.
The grandfather sent the young lad to the waters edge with instructions to fill his leaking bucket with water so as to fill a hole they had dug together.
However, the leaking bucket meant much of the water would run out before it was brought to the dug hole. Although the bucket had a hole in it, some of the water was retained and the dug hole was eventually filled!

It's a bit like that with reading scripture, much like I was doing while cooking my delicious stir fry. Though I might not retain all that I've read, some of it does remain!

Take every opportunity to read the Word of God.

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